
Don't jump
Vergessene Kinder
Detta kan nog vara en av de finaste låtarna som Tokio Hotel har gjort.
Nu lägger jag mig och kollar på andra skivan av Tokio Hotel-tv. GUUUUUULD! ♥
Jag dör!

Jag fucking dör!

22 years old.
Idag fyller mina två favoriter Tom & Bill Kaulitz år! Känns dom det var igår de fyllde 21 år. Men idag blir dem 22 år! Det firas med Tokio Hotel - tröja på och massa TH-musik. Tror nog att jag kanske kollar på TH-TV också om jag orkar. Har bara sett första delen.

World Behind My Wall - The humanoid city tour
World Behind My Wall
The fifth song in the Humanoid City tour.
Pain of love - the humanoid city tour
Pain Of Love
The fourth song in the Humanoid City tour
Break Away - The Humanoid City Tour
Break Away
The third song in the Humanoid City tour
So fucking beautiful

Bill Kaulitz
Tokio Hotel - The Humanoid City Tour
Noise & Human Connect To Human
The first and second song in the humanoid city tour.
I will always love Tokio Hotel, no matter what!

Har inte skrivit något om mitt älskade band Tokio Hotel.
Vet inte varför jag inte skriver om dem längre. Finns inte direkt något mycket att säga då den kändaste Tokio Hotel-bloggen lagt ner. Riktigt synd.
Ska börja uppdatera mer om Tokio Hotel, i alla fall lägga ut bilder, videos och så.
Och alla som läser detta nu och suckar över den ''otroligt töntiga'' texten jag skrivit kan ju bara dra. För jag vet att det finns någon som alltid stör sig på Tokio Hotel. Men bandet är faktiskt precis som alla andra band, även fast dom är tyskar. Eller hur? :)
Helt sjukt jävla bra!
What the fuck..

Vissa tycker att det där var sexigt på killarna, inte jag.
Så jävla söt Bill
Tror det blir andra dvdn ikväll, vill se nu!

Älskar när han är osminkad! ♥
Nytt på Tokio Hotelväggen
Det vart inte rakt eller någonting, jag satte dem bara där de fick plats. Det enda jag vill är att det bara ska sitta uppe, inte att det ska se rakt och fint ut. Vem fan bryr sig lixom? ;)

Kommer ni ihåg min gamla Tokio Hotelvägg? :)

Den har växt lite va ? ;)
Tokio hotel intervju av fans
Denna ''intervju'' som fans har fått ställa till Tokio Hotel fick mig verkligen att le! Särskilt när Tom svarade på sina frågor, fan vad ''ego'' han verkar vara! ♥
1. Bill, can you grow your hair long again?
Bill: Why not? I don't really plan my hairstyle, so that might happen.
2. What is the maximum sum you've spent for charity?
Bill: I hate it when people talk about how much money they've spend just for getting some nice press. All four of us definitely spend a lot of money on charity but we would never talk about any amount!
3. So, you've sung Monsun o koete in Japanese, what about Russian?
Bill: Gustav knows a couple of Russian words and phrases, may be we let him perform a Russian Monsoon version? :D
4. Can you imagine HOW MUCH you are loved and awaited in Russia in general?
Bill: Yes we can, within the last couple of month we received thousands of emails, comments and letters by our Russian fans, that was pretty impressive. Thanks for that!!! We cant wait to come over…
5. Georg, do you know that many fans call you Rapunzel?
Georg: Haha, no that's the first time I heard of this.
Tom: But I love... - I think we all love it!!! What a perfect description!
6. Have you seen all the actions that were arranged by Russian fans to get your concert in Russia?
Tom: We saw all comments, emails and letters and that's why we are back. It was really touching us and we can feel the endless support!
7. Gustav, do you remember anything from your Russian language lessons at school?
Gustav: Sure! I still know some phrases. Our trip to Moscow is a great opportunity to refresh some of it!
8. Tom, do you know that fur cap with ear flaps (or ushanka cap) is a national Russian piece of clothes?
Tom: I didn't know that, but I'll wear mine now more often :) I love them!
9. Do you like your passport photos?
Georg: German passport photos have to stick to certain regulations such as no smiling and a certain positioning of your head. They always look awful.
Tom: No, mine looks great!
Gustav: Yeah, mine too!
Bill: Yes, mine as well… maybe it's just you Georch!
10. Many people say that Russian girls are the most beautiful, what's your opinion?
Tom: Let me put it like this, I can't wait to spend another night in Russia!
11. Tom, is it you who post in blog on tokiohotel.com?
Tom: Sure, check it out if you have a minute.
12. When was the last time you had sex?
Tom: Would be easier figure out the last time when I didn't had sex ;)
13. Do your former classmates try to contact with you somehow?
Georg: Some of our former classmates are still our best friends, so yes.
14. You've shooted a couple of commercials with Alice Cooper, what impression did he make?
Bill: Working with Cooper was really fun, we had a great time and he is a nice guy!
15. You travel a lot and now you've left your home country Germany and moved to USA. Do you often call your parents?
Tom: Our family means the world to us, we are really close and speak every day.
16.1) According to pessimists everything goes in a circle in life. According to optimists everything goes by spiral, dreamers think all goes by a straight line. How is it in your life?
Tom: Unfortunately I must say that I'm more the pessimist in almost every situation. But Georch is the big dreamer in the band ;)
3) If you were 4 simple guys and were huge fans of some artist, and you wanted to attract his/her attention, what would you do?
Tom: Bill knows, as he was a huge fan as a child.
Bill: Right, I know how it is to wait in line for hours to get the best seats at a show and all that stuff, so I really appreciate all the fandom and know exactly how fans feel.
Tom: And Georg still knows how that feels. He's a huge fan of mine. He always trys to get my attention by running around naked whenever he can. And it works every once in a while ;)
17. What thing would you make as the 8th world wonder? You travel a lot, may be you've seen something interesting that struck and inspired you?
Tom: Hm, that's hard to tell. Recently we had the chance to see the Maya pyramids in mexico. That was really impressive! But the world as itself and life on earth is the biggest wonder to me!
18. Gustav, you make an impression of a highly professional and strongest musician in the band, a heir of Lars Ulrich. Besides you legs in your shorts excite many girls' hearts! How do you see the musical development of the band? What perspectives you have?
Gustav: Not only the lovely Russian girls might get exited, I also wear the shorts especially for Georg When it comes to our future plans, we don't really stick to a certain strategy, it's all about the momentum and the inspiration.
19. What is David Bowie for you, Bill?
Bill: As a child I watched Bowies Movie "Labyrith" a trillion times. That's where I first noticed him and his work. He's an Icon!
20. Bill, you're one of the brightest frontmen and artists on today's stage. Tell me, when are you going to stop being shy and finally try to conquer the whole world?
Bill: With Tokio Hotel we are already travelling around the world. Where ever our fans ask us to play a show we try to go at least once. But we still can't get enough. A huge world tour is our next goal!
21. Many artists like Dero from Oomph! use internet blogs to keep in touch with their fans, reveal their ideas and thoughts there, life and philosophical views, share their opinions about religion and world and other important things. Tom, how do all the things that are published in your blog reflect your inner world?
Tom: I use my blog to share cool stuff and my personal opinion on more serious topics such as animal welfare. In general the blog is a fun thing for me. I share stuff that interests me and things I found on the internet that I just like.
22. 1) Bill, you say you want to control everything. And what if someone controls you?
Bill: I don't want to control people I want to be in charge of my own music, videos, and artworks. Already as a child I hated authorities and they hated me.
2) Are there any clothes that when you see them you'll never put them on and you'll say it's too much for you?
Bill: There is a lot. But, for example: short pants and real fur.
Tom: More the second one. You live just once and I want to try everything I can. Faults always happen... not often to me, but they happen ;)
23. Humanoid City Tour became a great step in your professional and musical growth. What is it for you – this album and tour? Has Russia any opportunity to see Humanoid City Tour live?
Tom: We are really happy to have the chance to perform at least a few songs for our Russian fans now. And we are going to include Russia in any future touring, we always had a great time here!
24. Bill, during signing sessions you just sign something and say few words to your fans. But sometimes you raise your eyes and look at them. What do you see in their eyes at those moments I wonder? I remember, you said you all like eyes :D Georg, there are rumors you have relations?
Bill: We love signing sessions. It's a great way to get in touch with your fans and understand their thoughts and feelings. I have the chance to see their real emotions and that's what is really important to me! In that moments all the negative things are blown away and I can feel their love!
Georg: Fortunately that's not a legend, I have a girlfriend :)
Texten tagen från bloggen Schwarz.
Fuck u are beautiful
Älska ♥